{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances,
FlexibleContexts, RankNTypes, DataKinds, GADTs, PolyKinds,
MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies #-}
module PhantomFunctors.Typechecker where
import Data.Map as Map hiding (foldl, map, null, (\\))
import Data.List as List
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Proxy
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Except
import PhantomFunctors.AST
data TCError where
DuplicateClassError :: Name -> TCError
UnknownClassError :: Name -> TCError
UnknownFieldError :: Name -> TCError
UnknownMethodError :: Name -> TCError
UnboundVariableError :: Name -> TCError
TypeMismatchError :: Type 'Checked -> Type 'Checked -> TCError
ImmutableFieldError :: Expr 'Checked -> TCError
NonLValError :: Expr 'Checked -> TCError
PrimitiveNullError :: Type 'Checked -> TCError
NonClassTypeError :: Type p -> TCError
NonArrowTypeError :: Type 'Checked -> TCError
ConstructorCallError :: Type 'Checked -> TCError
UninferrableError :: Expr 'Parsed -> TCError
instance Show TCError where
show (DuplicateClassError c) = printf "Duplicate declaration of class '%s'" c
show (UnknownClassError c) = printf "Unknown class '%s'" c
show (UnknownFieldError f) = printf "Unknown field '%s'" f
show (UnknownMethodError m) = printf "Unknown method '%s'" m
show (UnboundVariableError x) = printf "Unbound variable '%s'" x
show (TypeMismatchError actual expected) =
printf "Type '%s' does not match expected type '%s'"
(show actual) (show expected)
show (ImmutableFieldError e) =
printf "Cannot write to immutable field '%s'" (show e)
show (NonLValError e) =
printf "Cannot assign to expression '%s'" (show e)
show (PrimitiveNullError t) =
printf "Type '%s' cannot be null" (show t)
show (NonClassTypeError t) =
printf "Expected class type, got '%s'" (show t)
show (NonArrowTypeError t) =
printf "Expected function type, got '%s'" (show t)
show (ConstructorCallError t) =
printf "Tried to call constructor of class '%s' outside of instantiation"
(show t)
show (UninferrableError e) =
printf "Cannot infer the type of '%s'" (show e)
data MethodEntry =
MethodEntry {meparams :: [Param 'Checked]
,metype :: Type 'Checked
data FieldEntry =
FieldEntry {femod :: Mod
,fetype :: Type 'Checked
data ClassEntry =
ClassEntry {cefields :: Map Name FieldEntry
,cemethods :: Map Name MethodEntry
data Env =
Env {ctable :: Map Name ClassEntry
,vartable :: Map Name (Type 'Checked)
,constructor :: Bool}
setConstructor :: Name -> Env -> Env
setConstructor m env = env{constructor = isConstructorName m}
lookupClass :: Name -> Env -> Maybe ClassEntry
lookupClass c Env{ctable} = Map.lookup c ctable
lookupVar :: Name -> Env -> Maybe (Type 'Checked)
lookupVar x Env{vartable} = Map.lookup x vartable
findClass :: Type p -> TypecheckM ClassEntry
findClass (ClassType c) = do
cls <- asks $ lookupClass c
case cls of
Just cdef -> return cdef
Nothing -> throwError $ UnknownClassError c
findClass ty = throwError $ NonClassTypeError ty
findMethod :: Type p1 -> Name -> TypecheckM MethodEntry
findMethod ty m = do
ClassEntry{cemethods} <- findClass ty
case Map.lookup m cemethods of
Just entry -> return entry
Nothing -> throwError $ UnknownMethodError m
findField :: Type p1 -> Name -> TypecheckM FieldEntry
findField ty f = do
ClassEntry{cefields} <- findClass ty
case Map.lookup f cefields of
Just entry -> return entry
Nothing -> throwError $ UnknownFieldError f
findVar :: Name -> TypecheckM (Type 'Checked)
findVar x = do
result <- asks $ lookupVar x
case result of
Just t -> return t
Nothing -> throwError $ UnboundVariableError x
generateEnvironment :: Program 'Parsed -> Except TCError Env
generateEnvironment (Program classes) = do
classEntries <- mapM precheckClass classes
let cnames = map cname classes
duplicates = cnames \\ nub cnames
unless (null duplicates) $
throwError $ DuplicateClassError (head duplicates)
return $ Env {ctable = Map.fromList $
zip cnames classEntries
,vartable = Map.empty
,constructor = False}
precheckClass :: ClassDef 'Parsed -> Except TCError ClassEntry
precheckClass ClassDef {fields, methods} = do
fields' <- mapM precheckField fields
methods' <- mapM precheckMethod methods
return ClassEntry {cefields = Map.fromList $
zip (map fname fields) fields'
,cemethods = Map.fromList $
zip (map mname methods) methods'}
precheckField :: FieldDef 'Parsed -> Except TCError FieldEntry
precheckField FieldDef {ftype, fmod} = do
ftype' <- precheckType ftype
return FieldEntry {femod = fmod
,fetype = ftype'
precheckParam :: Param 'Parsed -> Except TCError (Param 'Checked)
precheckParam Param {ptype, pname} = do
ptype' <- precheckType ptype
return Param {pname
,ptype = ptype'}
precheckMethod :: MethodDef 'Parsed -> Except TCError MethodEntry
precheckMethod MethodDef {mparams, mtype} = do
mtype' <- precheckType mtype
mparams' <- mapM precheckParam mparams
return $ MethodEntry {meparams = mparams'
,metype = mtype'}
precheckType :: Type 'Parsed -> Except TCError (Type 'Checked)
precheckType (ClassType c) = do
unless (any ((== c) . cname) classes) $
throwError $ UnknownClassError c
return $ ClassType c
precheckType IntType = return IntType
precheckType BoolType = return BoolType
precheckType UnitType = return UnitType
precheckType (Arrow ts t) = do
ts' <- mapM precheckType ts
t' <- precheckType t
return $ Arrow ts' t'
addVariable :: Name -> Type 'Checked -> Env -> Env
addVariable x t env@Env{vartable} =
env{vartable = Map.insert x t vartable}
addParameters :: [Param 'Checked] -> Env -> Env
addParameters params env = foldl addParameter env params
addParameter env (Param name ty) = addVariable name ty env
type TypecheckM a = forall m. (MonadReader Env m, MonadError TCError m) => m a
tcProgram :: Program 'Parsed -> Either TCError (Program 'Checked)
tcProgram p = do
env <- runExcept $ generateEnvironment p
let exceptM = runReaderT (typecheck p) env
runExcept exceptM
class Typecheckable a b | a -> b where
typecheck :: a 'Parsed -> TypecheckM (b 'Checked)
instance Typecheckable Type Type where
typecheck (ClassType c) = do
_ <- findClass (ClassType c)
return $ ClassType c
typecheck IntType = return IntType
typecheck BoolType = return BoolType
typecheck UnitType = return UnitType
typecheck (Arrow ts t) = do
ts' <- mapM typecheck ts
t' <- typecheck t
return $ Arrow ts' t'
instance Typecheckable Program Program where
typecheck (Program classes) = Program <$> (mapM typecheck classes)
instance Typecheckable ClassDef ClassDef where
typecheck ClassDef{cname, fields, methods} = do
fields' <- local (addVariable thisName (ClassType cname)) $ mapM typecheck fields
methods' <- local (addVariable thisName (ClassType cname)) $ mapM typecheck methods
return $ ClassDef {fields = fields'
,methods = methods'}
instance Typecheckable FieldDef FieldDef where
typecheck fdef@FieldDef{ftype} = do
ftype' <- typecheck ftype
return fdef{ftype = ftype'}
instance Typecheckable Param Param where
typecheck param@(Param {ptype}) = do
ptype' <- typecheck ptype
return param{ptype = ptype'}
instance Typecheckable MethodDef MethodDef where
typecheck MethodDef {mname, mparams, mbody, mtype} = do
mparams' <- mapM typecheck mparams
mtype' <- typecheck mtype
mbody' <- local (addParameters mparams' .
setConstructor mname) $ hasType mbody mtype'
return $ MethodDef {mname
,mparams = mparams'
,mtype = mtype'
,mbody = mbody'}
instance Typecheckable Expr Expr where
typecheck BoolLit {bval} = return $ BoolLit (Identity BoolType) bval
typecheck IntLit {ival} = return $ IntLit (Identity IntType) ival
typecheck (Lambda {params, body}) = do
params' <- mapM typecheck params
body' <- local (addParameters params') $ typecheck body
let parameterTypes = map ptype params'
bodyType = getType body'
funType = Arrow parameterTypes bodyType
return $ Lambda {etype = Identity funType
,params = params'
,body = body'}
typecheck (VarAccess {name}) = do
ty <- findVar name
return $ VarAccess {etype = Identity ty
typecheck (FieldAccess {target, name}) = do
target' <- typecheck target
let targetType = getType target'
FieldEntry {fetype} <- findField targetType name
return $ FieldAccess{target = target'
,etype = Identity fetype
,name }
typecheck (Assignment {lhs, rhs}) = do
lhs' <- typecheck lhs
unless (isLVal lhs') $
throwError $ NonLValError lhs'
let lType = getType lhs'
rhs' <- hasType rhs lType
checkMutability lhs'
return $ Assignment {etype = Identity UnitType
,lhs = lhs'
,rhs = rhs'}
checkMutability e@FieldAccess{target, name} = do
FieldEntry {femod} <- findField (getType target) name
inConstructor <- asks constructor
unless (femod == Var ||
inConstructor && isThisAccess target) $
throwError $ ImmutableFieldError e
checkMutability _ = return ()
typecheck New {ty, args} = do
ty' <- typecheck ty
MethodEntry {meparams, metype} <- findMethod ty' "init"
let paramTypes = map ptype meparams
args' <- zipWithM hasType args paramTypes
return New {etype = Identity ty'
,ty = ty'
,args = args'}
typecheck MethodCall {target, name, args} = do
target' <- typecheck target
let targetType = getType target'
when (isConstructorName name) $
throwError $ ConstructorCallError targetType
MethodEntry {meparams, metype} <- findMethod targetType name
let paramTypes = map ptype meparams
args' <- zipWithM hasType args paramTypes
return $ MethodCall {target = target'
,etype = Identity metype
,args = args'}
typecheck (FunctionCall {target, args}) = do
target' <- typecheck target
let targetType = getType target'
unless (isArrowType targetType) $
throwError $ NonArrowTypeError targetType
let paramTypes = tparams targetType
resultType = tresult targetType
args' <- zipWithM hasType args paramTypes
return $ FunctionCall {etype = Identity resultType
,target = target'
,args = args'}
typecheck (BinOp {op, lhs, rhs}) = do
lhs' <- hasType lhs IntType
rhs' <- hasType rhs IntType
return $ BinOp {etype = Identity IntType
,lhs = lhs'
,rhs = rhs'}
typecheck (Cast {body, ty}) = do
ty' <- typecheck ty
body' <- hasType body ty'
return $ Cast {etype = Identity ty'
,body = body'
,ty = ty'}
typecheck (If {cond, thn, els}) = do
cond' <- hasType cond BoolType
thn' <- typecheck thn
let thnType = getType thn'
els' <- hasType els thnType
return $ If {etype = Identity thnType
,cond = cond'
,thn = thn'
,els = els'}
typecheck (Let {name, val, body}) = do
val' <- typecheck val
let ty = getType val'
body' <- local (addVariable name ty) $ typecheck body
let bodyType = getType body'
return $ Let{etype = Identity bodyType
,val = val'
,body = body'}
typecheck e =
throwError $ UninferrableError e
hasType :: Expr 'Parsed -> Type 'Checked -> TypecheckM (Expr 'Checked)
hasType Null{} expected = do
unless (isClassType expected) $
throwError $ PrimitiveNullError expected
return $ Null {etype = Identity expected}
hasType e expected = do
e' <- typecheck e
let eType = getType e'
unless (eType == expected) $
throwError $ TypeMismatchError eType expected
return $ setType expected e'
testClass1 :: ClassDef 'Parsed
testClass1 =
ClassDef {cname = "C"
,fields = [FieldDef {fmod = Val, fname = "f", ftype = ClassType "Foo"}]
,methods = []}
testClass2 :: ClassDef 'Parsed
testClass2 =
ClassDef {cname = "D"
,fields = [FieldDef {fmod = Val, fname = "g", ftype = ClassType "Bar"}]
,methods = [MethodDef {mname = "m", mparams = [], mtype = IntType, mbody = VarAccess Proxy "x"}]}
testClass3 :: [ClassDef 'Parsed]
testClass3 =
[ClassDef {cname = "D"
,fields = [FieldDef {fmod = Val, fname = "g", ftype = ClassType "D"}]
,methods = [MethodDef {mname = "m", mparams = [], mtype = IntType, mbody = VarAccess Proxy "x"}]},
ClassDef {cname = "D"
,fields = [FieldDef {fmod = Val, fname = "g", ftype = ClassType "D"}]
,methods = [MethodDef {mname = "m", mparams = [], mtype = IntType, mbody = VarAccess Proxy "x"}]}]
testProgram = Program [testClass1, testClass2]
testValidProgram = Program testClass3