{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
module Initial.Typechecker where
import Data.Map as Map hiding (foldl, map)
import Data.List as List
import Data.Either
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Except
import Initial.AST
data TCError =
UnknownClassError Name
| UnknownFieldError Name
| UnknownMethodError Name
| UnboundVariableError Name
| TypeMismatchError Type Type
| ImmutableFieldError Expr
| NonLValError Expr
| PrimitiveNullError Type
| NonClassTypeError Type
| NonArrowTypeError Type
| ConstructorCallError Type
| UninferrableError Expr
instance Show TCError where
show (UnknownClassError c) = printf "Unknown class '%s'" c
show (UnknownFieldError f) = printf "Unknown field '%s'" f
show (UnknownMethodError m) = printf "Unknown method '%s'" m
show (UnboundVariableError x) = printf "Unbound variable '%s'" x
show (TypeMismatchError actual expected) =
printf "Type '%s' does not match expected type '%s'"
(show actual) (show expected)
show (ImmutableFieldError e) =
printf "Cannot write to immutable field '%s'" (show e)
show (NonLValError e) =
printf "Cannot assign to expression '%s'" (show e)
show (PrimitiveNullError t) =
printf "Type '%s' cannot be null" (show t)
show (NonClassTypeError t) =
printf "Expected class type, got '%s'" (show t)
show (NonArrowTypeError t) =
printf "Expected function type, got '%s'" (show t)
show (ConstructorCallError t) =
printf "Tried to call constructor of class '%s' outside of instantiation"
(show t)
show (UninferrableError e) =
printf "Cannot infer the type of '%s'" (show e)
data Env =
Env {ctable :: Map Name ClassDef
,vartable :: Map Name Type
,constructor :: Bool}
emptyEnv :: Env
emptyEnv = Env {ctable = Map.empty
,vartable = Map.empty
,constructor = False}
lookupClass :: Env -> Name -> Except TCError ClassDef
lookupClass Env{ctable} c =
case Map.lookup c ctable of
Just cdef -> return cdef
Nothing -> throwError $ UnknownClassError c
lookupField :: Env -> Type -> Name -> Except TCError FieldDef
lookupField env (ClassType c) f = do
ClassDef{fields} <- lookupClass env c
case List.find ((== f) . fname) fields of
Just fdef -> return fdef
Nothing -> throwError $ UnknownFieldError f
lookupField _ ty _ = throwError $ NonClassTypeError ty
lookupMethod :: Env -> Type -> Name -> Except TCError MethodDef
lookupMethod env (ClassType c) m = do
ClassDef{methods} <- lookupClass env c
case List.find ((== m) . mname) methods of
Just mdef -> return mdef
Nothing -> throwError $ UnknownMethodError m
lookupMethod _ ty _ = throwError $ NonClassTypeError ty
lookupVar :: Env -> Name -> Except TCError Type
lookupVar Env{vartable} x =
case Map.lookup x vartable of
Just t -> return t
Nothing -> throwError $ UnboundVariableError x
genEnv :: Program -> Env
genEnv (Program classes) = foldl generateEnv emptyEnv classes
generateEnv :: Env -> ClassDef -> Env
generateEnv env cls = Env {ctable = Map.insert (cname cls) cls (ctable env)
,vartable = vartable env
,constructor = False}
addVariable :: Env -> Name -> Type -> Env
addVariable env@Env{vartable} x t =
env{vartable = Map.insert x t vartable}
addParameters :: Env -> [Param] -> Env
addParameters = foldl addParameter
addParameter env (Param name ty) = addVariable env name ty
tcProgram :: Program -> Either TCError Program
tcProgram p = do
let env = genEnv p
runExcept $ typecheck env p
class Typecheckable a where
typecheck :: Env -> a -> Except TCError a
instance Typecheckable Type where
typecheck env (ClassType c) = do
_ <- lookupClass env c
return $ ClassType c
typecheck _ IntType = return IntType
typecheck _ UnitType = return UnitType
typecheck _ BoolType = return BoolType
typecheck env (Arrow ts t) = do
ts' <- mapM (typecheck env) ts
t' <- typecheck env t
return $ Arrow ts' t
instance Typecheckable Program where
typecheck env (Program cls) = Program <$> mapM (typecheck env) cls
instance Typecheckable ClassDef where
typecheck env cdef@ClassDef{cname, fields, methods} = do
let env' = addVariable env thisName (ClassType cname)
fields' <- mapM (typecheck env') fields
methods' <- mapM (typecheck env') methods
return $ cdef {fields = fields'
,methods = methods'}
instance Typecheckable FieldDef where
typecheck env fdef@FieldDef{ftype} = do
ftype' <- typecheck env ftype
return fdef{ftype = ftype'}
instance Typecheckable Param where
typecheck env param@(Param {ptype}) = do
ptype' <- typecheck env ptype
return param{ptype = ptype'}
instance Typecheckable MethodDef where
typecheck env mdef@(MethodDef {mname, mparams, mbody, mtype}) = do
mparams' <- mapM (typecheck env) mparams
mtype' <- typecheck env mtype
let env' = env{constructor = isConstructorName mname}
let env'' = addParameters env' mparams
mbody' <- hasType env'' mbody mtype'
return $ mdef {mparams = mparams'
,mtype = mtype'
,mbody = mbody'}
instance Typecheckable Expr where
typecheck env e@(BoolLit {}) = return $ setType BoolType e
typecheck env e@(IntLit {}) = return $ setType IntType e
typecheck env e@(Lambda {params, body}) = do
params' <- mapM (typecheck env) params
let env' = addParameters env params'
body' <- typecheck env' body
let parameterTypes = map ptype params'
bodyType = getType body'
funType = Arrow parameterTypes bodyType
return $ setType funType e{params = params'
,body = body'}
typecheck env e@(VarAccess {name}) = do
ty <- lookupVar env name
return $ setType ty e
typecheck env e@(FieldAccess {target, name}) = do
target' <- typecheck env target
let targetType = getType target'
FieldDef {ftype} <- lookupField env targetType name
return $ setType ftype e{target = target'}
typecheck env e@(Assignment {lhs, rhs}) = do
unless (isLVal lhs) $
throwError $ NonLValError lhs
lhs' <- typecheck env lhs
let lType = getType lhs'
rhs' <- hasType env rhs lType
let rType = getType rhs'
checkMutability lhs'
return $ setType UnitType e{lhs = lhs'
,rhs = rhs'}
checkMutability e@FieldAccess{target, name} = do
field <- lookupField env (getType target) name
unless (isVarField field ||
constructor env && isThisAccess target) $
throwError $ ImmutableFieldError e
checkMutability _ = return ()
typecheck env (New {ty, args}) = do
ty' <- typecheck env ty
MethodDef {mparams} <- lookupMethod env ty' "init"
let paramTypes = map ptype mparams
args' <- zipWithM (hasType env) args paramTypes
return $ setType ty' $ New {etype = Just ty'
,ty = ty'
,args = args'}
typecheck env e@(MethodCall {target, name, args}) = do
target' <- typecheck env target
let targetType = getType target'
when (isConstructorName name) $
throwError $ ConstructorCallError targetType
MethodDef {mparams, mtype} <- lookupMethod env targetType name
let paramTypes = map ptype mparams
args' <- zipWithM (hasType env) args paramTypes
return $ setType mtype $ e{target = target'
,args = args'}
typecheck env e@(FunctionCall {target, args}) = do
target' <- typecheck env target
let targetType = getType target'
unless (isArrowType targetType) $
throwError $ NonArrowTypeError targetType
let paramTypes = tparams targetType
resultType = tresult targetType
args' <- zipWithM (hasType env) args paramTypes
return $ setType resultType e{target = target'
,args = args'}
typecheck env e@(BinOp {op, lhs, rhs}) = do
lhs' <- hasType env lhs IntType
rhs' <- hasType env rhs IntType
return $ setType IntType e{lhs = lhs'
,rhs = rhs'}
typecheck env e@(Cast {body, ty}) = do
ty' <- typecheck env ty
body' <- hasType env body ty'
return $ setType ty' e{body = body'
,ty = ty'}
typecheck env e@(If {cond, thn, els}) = do
cond' <- hasType env cond BoolType
thn' <- typecheck env thn
let thnType = getType thn'
els' <- hasType env els thnType
return $ setType thnType e{cond = cond'
,thn = thn'
,els = els'}
typecheck env e@(Let {name, val, body}) = do
val' <- typecheck env val
let ty = getType val'
env' = addVariable env name ty
body' <- typecheck env' body
let bodyType = getType body'
return $ setType bodyType e{val = val'
,body = body'}
typecheck _ e =
throwError $ UninferrableError e
hasType :: Env -> Expr -> Type -> Except TCError Expr
hasType env e@Null{} expected = do
unless (isClassType expected) $
throwError $ PrimitiveNullError expected
return $ setType expected e
hasType env e expected = do
e' <- typecheck env e
let eType = getType e'
unless (eType == expected) $
throwError $ TypeMismatchError eType expected
return $ setType expected e'
testClass1 =
ClassDef {cname = "C"
,fields = [FieldDef {fmod = Val, fname = "f", ftype = ClassType "Foo"}]
,methods = []}
testClass2 =
ClassDef {cname = "D"
,fields = [FieldDef {fmod = Val, fname = "g", ftype = ClassType "Bar"}]
,methods = [MethodDef {mname = "m", mparams = [], mtype = IntType, mbody = VarAccess Nothing "x"}]}
testClass3 =
[ClassDef {cname = "D"
,fields = [FieldDef {fmod = Val, fname = "g", ftype = ClassType "D"}]
,methods = [MethodDef {mname = "m", mparams = [], mtype = IntType, mbody = VarAccess Nothing "x"}]},
ClassDef {cname = "D"
,fields = [FieldDef {fmod = Val, fname = "g", ftype = ClassType "D"}]
,methods = [MethodDef {mname = "m", mparams = [], mtype = IntType, mbody = VarAccess Nothing "x"}]}]
testProgram = Program [testClass1, testClass2]
testValidProgram = Program testClass3
testSuite = do
putStrLn $ "\n************************************************"
putStrLn $ "1. Initial Version.\n" ++
"Showing a program with 3 errors:\n" ++
"- type checker only catches one error\n" ++
"- there is not support for backtrace\n"
putStrLn "Output:"
putStrLn ""
putStrLn $ show $ fromLeft undefined (tcProgram testProgram)
putStrLn ""
putStrLn $ "************************************************"