Godot: All the Benefits of Implicit and Explicit Futures

Kiko Fernandez-Reyes

Dave Clarke

Ludovic Henrio

Einar Broch Johnsen

Tobias Wrigstad

Godot: Artifact Abstract

This artifact contains an implementation of data-flow futures in terms of control-flow futures, in the Scala language. In the implementation, we show microbenchmarks that solve the three identified problems in the paper:

  1. The Type Proliferation Problem (Section 2, Problems Inherent in Explicit and Implicit Futures),
  2. The Fulfilment Observation Problem (Section 2, Problems Inherent in Explicit and Implicit Futures), and
  3. The Future Proliferation Problem (Section 2, Problems Inherent in Explicit and Implicit Futures)

This artifact can be seen as an extension to Section 5.2. Notes on Implementing Godot. However, it is out of the scope of the artifact to modify the Scala compiler to perform implicit delegation (Section 5.1 Avoiding Future Nesting through Implicit Delegation), which allows asynchronous tail-recursive calls to run in constant space. This can be solved by either using an advanced macro system or updating the Scala compiler (Section 5.2. Notes on Implementing Godot).

This artifact shows an implementation of the formal semantics of the paper using the well-established programming language Scala. The reader can:

All of these points are outline in the next section.

(The latest version of the paper can be found here)

NOTE. We recommend that the reader looks at the HTML version of the README file, since it is better formatted and the links point to PDF sections, automatically. One can find the HTML version in the downloaded artifact, inside the zip file. If the reader prefers to read a PDF file, it is still better to download the artifact and read the instructions included there. It is the same content, but the PDF links will open up the submitted version of the paper.


The paper presents two calculi, one which allows language writers to encode control-flow futures into a language that has data-flow futures (Section 4.2 FlowFut: Primitive Data-Flow Futures and Encoded Control-Flow Futures), and one that allows current control-flow futures to encode most of the functionality of data-flow futures (Section 4.3 FutFlow: Primitive Control-Flow Futures and Encoded Data-Flow Futures).

This artifact shows how one can encode data-flow futures using control-flow futures, in the Scala language. There are some implementation details that we cannot encode directly. These are mentioned in the paper (Section 5.2 Notes on Implementing Godot) and explained in this document (Section Restrictions).

Table of Contents:

  1. Folder Structure
  2. Prerequisites (installation instructions)
    1. Installing Scala on OSX
    2. Installing Scala on Linux
    3. Installing Scala on Windows
    4. Using a provisioned Virtual Machine
  3. Installing Library Dependencies
  4. Implementation in Scala
    1. Unit tests,
    2. library code,
    3. micro-benchmarks,
    4. start the REPL to write your own programs.
  5. Restrictions

0. Folder Structure

The folder structure of this artifact is as follows:

|----- README.html
|----- README.pdf
|----- assets
|       |----- Java8Installation.png
|       |----- fonts
|       |----- pandoc.css
|       |----- submitted-version.pdf
|----- godot
        |----- build.sbt
        |----- examples
        |       |----- Microbenchmark.scala
        |       |----- Miscellaneous.scala
        |       |----- ProxyService.scala
        |----- project
        |        |----- build.properties
        |        |----- plugins.sbt
        |----- src
            |----- main
            |       |----- scala
            |               |----- godot
            |                       |----- imperative
            |                               |----- ImperativeFlow.scala
            |----- test
                    |----- scala
                            |----- godot
                                    |----- imperative
                                            |----- AsyncTest.scala
                                            |----- BlockingTest.scala
                                            |----- LiftingTest.scala
                                            |----- MonadicOperations.scala

The instructions are in the README.html and README.pdf. The assets folder contains assets for the HTML version and the submitted paper. If you are reading the HTML version, the links to the paper direct you to the appropriate page. If you are using the PDF version, the links only point to the paper. The implementation can be found under the project folder named godot.

1. Prerequisites

The library is written in the Scala programming language and has the following dependencies:

Below you can find information on how to install these dependencies in OSX, Linux and Windows.

Installing Scala on OSX

If you have brew installed, just type the following command, which installs all dependencies:

brew update
brew install scala sbt

If you do not have brew installed and you would rather perform a manual installation process, please follow the documentation from the official website.

Installing Scala on Linux

Install Java 8 (JDK) from the command line as follows:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer

Download and install Scala:

wget https://downloads.lightbend.com/scala/2.12.8/scala-2.12.8.deb
sudo dpkg -i scala-2.12.8.deb

Install sbt building tool:1

echo "deb https://dl.bintray.com/sbt/debian /" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sbt.list
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv 2EE0EA64E40A89B84B2DF73499E82A75642AC823
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sbt

If you have troubles installing any of the dependencies, I recommend to follow the installation instructions from this YouTube video.

Installing Scala on Windows

Visit the official website, click on the radio button Accept License Agreement, and download the executable file for Windows x64, as shown in the image below. Then install the executable.

Java 8 Instalation Agreement
Java 8 Instalation Agreement

Install the sbt building tool by clicking in this link and installing the downloaded file sbt-1.2.8.msi.

If you have troubles installing Java 8 and Scala, I recommend to follow the steps from this YouTube video.

Using a provisioned Virtual Machine

This artifact contains a Virtual Machine (VM) named Godot-Artifact.ova.

You can use your favorite virtualisation software. We have tested this VM using Virtual Box.

After importing the VM, start it and login to the VM with the following credentials:

user: vagrant
password: vagrant
VM User Screen
VM User Screen

Upon login, a terminal will pop up and receive you under the godot project folder.

VM Terminal
VM Terminal

2. Installing Library Dependencies

At this step, you should have Java 8, Scala and the sbt building tool installed. To install the project dependencies, run the following command from inside the godot folder:


After sbt has download all the dependencies, exit the sbt program by typing:2


After the dependencies have been installed, you will be able to look at some of the programs that we can write using data-flow explicit futures, and create your own programs from the Scala REPL.

3. Implementation in Scala

This section contains the following information:

Library Code

The library code can be found in the following folder:


The main contribution of the implementation is:

This implementation also shows that:

Common API

To make the implementation more natural to the Scala community, we have renamed some of the functions (methods) from the paper. Below you can find a table with the assigned name from the paper and the name in the implementation. All of the functions have been implemented in the file src/main/scala/godot/imperative/ImperativeFlow.scala, under the singleton object Flow:

Name in the paper Implementation Name
async { expr } Future { expr }
async* { expr } Flow { expr } or asyncS { expr }
get(e) Await.result(e, 1000.millis)
get*(e) getS(e)
then(e1, e2) e1.map(e2)4
then*(e1, e2) e1.map(e2)
return e return e5
e lift(e)
match(x: e1, x: e2, e3) Scala pattern matching
forward e NOT IMPLEMENTED (see Restrictions, Implicit delegation)
forward* e NOT IMPLEMENTED (see Restrictions, Implicit delegation)

Now, we suggest the reader to look at the implementation code (found here) while reading the implementation details.

Implementation details

Data-flow futures have been implemented using a singleton object and trait, named Flow. This is a more object-oriented approach than the calculus from the paper, but it fits better in the Scala eco-system. We use case classes Value and Diamond to extend the Flow trait and to encode whether non-future values are lifted to data-flow futures or whether future values are lifted to flows, respectively. This encoding allows one to write the following code (which resembles programming with Futures in Scala):

Flow {  computation()  }.getS

One can also allow to stick to the functional notation from the paper, so that you can write your code as follows:

getS(  asyncS { computation()  } )

The pattern matching from the paper has been encoded using match in Scala, and closely follows the calculus except that we polymorphically dispatch to the appropriate case class.

The implicit lifting from the paper is encoded using implicit functions in Scala (functions liftToFlow). This implicit lifting, by construction, cannot create Flow[Flow[T]] types, which would be unsound. However, a developer can write a function that returns Flow[Flow[T]] and the implicit lifting will lift twice a value, creating a mismatch between the type and its runtime representation. This is also explained under the Type collapsing rule, Restrictions section.

Finally, there is one point where the implementation differs from the paper, which has to do with the R-FlowCompression [link to rule], which affects the encoding of the thenS combinator (named map in the implementation). This is due to not being able to handle implicit delegation (Section 5.1), discussed in Section 5.2 Notes on Implementing Godot. More concretely the deviation is reflected in flatMap construct inside the Diamond case class (the Value case class presents no issues). The main deviation is that if one tries to perform

thenS(flow, fun: T => Flow[T])

where the flow is a Diamond(fut), then we perform a future chaining operation that flattens the returned Future (we perform a flatMap operation instead of a map operation). If the result of the function application returns a lifted, non-flow value, we lift it to a Diamond; if it is a lifted control-flow future, then we just return it.

Unit tests

The tests are located in:


To compile and run the tests type the following line from inside the folder godot:

sbt test

The output should be similar to this:

[info] Compiling 1 Scala source to /home/vagrant/Desktop/Godot-Artifact/godot/target/scala-2.12/test-classes ...
[info] Done compiling.
[debug] Test run started
[debug] Test godot.imperative.LiftingTest.testLiftingFutureValueReturnsFlow started
[debug] Test godot.imperative.LiftingTest.testLiftingFutureValueReturnsFlow finished, took 0.003 sec
[debug] Test godot.imperative.LiftingTest.testLiftingAFutFlowReturnsASingleFlow started
[debug] Test godot.imperative.LiftingTest.testLiftingAFutFlowReturnsASingleFlow finished, took 0.007 sec
[debug] Test godot.imperative.LiftingTest.testImplicitLiftingOfFutureValueToFlow started
[debug] Test godot.imperative.LiftingTest.testImplicitLiftingOfFutureValueToFlow finished, took 0.001 sec
[debug] Test godot.imperative.LiftingTest.testImplicitLiftingOfValueToFlow started
[debug] Test godot.imperative.LiftingTest.testImplicitLiftingOfValueToFlow finished, took 0.0 sec
[info] ScalaTest
[info] Passed: Total 18, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 18
[success] Total time: 1 s, completed Mar 25, 2019 8:48:04 PM


There are a limited number of microbenchmarks:

Each microbenchmark section contains an short explanation and identifies which problems it solves.


There are two microbenchmarks, factorial and fibonacci.


An asynchronous tail-recursive function for calculating the factorial of a number cannot be typed unless the developer introduces constructs that remove the nested of futures, such as the blocking (get) or awaiting (Await.ready) operations. Furthermore, the developer needs to explicit lift a value to a future, so that there is a uniform return type. For example, one can type the factorial function using Futures as follows.

Click here to see the raw code.

import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future}

// Alternative 1
def factorialFuture(n: Int, accumulator: Int): Future[Int] = {
  if (n == 1) Future.successful(accumulator)
  else {
    val result = factorialFuture(n - 1, n * accumulator)
    val finalResult = Await.result(result, 1000.millis)

There is a second alternative, which requires the explicit introduction of flatMap in each iteration, so that it can flatten the nested future into a single future.

// Alternative 2
def factorialFutureAlt(n: Int, accumulator: Int): Future[Int] = {
  if (n == 1) Future.successful(accumulator)
  else Future(factorialFutureAlt(n - 1, n * accumulator)).flatMap(identity _)

With the usage of data-flow futures, the function can be written as follows:

import godot.imperative._
import godot.imperative.Flow._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future}

def factorial(n: Int, accumulator: Int): Flow[Int] = {
    if (n == 1) accumulator
    else asyncS(factorial(n - 1, n * accumulator))

The if branch automatically lifts the accumulator to a Flow[Int] and the else branch flattens immediately the possible nested Flow[Flow[Int]].

With the use of data-flow futures, we tackle the The Type Proliferation Problem (Section 4.4, Integrating Data-Flow and Control-Flow Futures and Delegation), as the data-flow futures hide their internal communication structure, and The Future Proliferation Problem (Section 4.4, Integrating Data-Flow and Control-Flow Futures and Delegation), as the data-flow future structure guarantees that there will be no falsely fulfilled future.6

To test this program, follow the instructions from the Section Test existing programs.


The Fibonacci code follows the same pattern and can be found in the same file as the factorial example.

Click here to see the raw code.

Proxy Service

This program is similar to the one explained in the paper, simulating the work of actors, using tasks instead. The Main class is the main entry point. It creates a load balancer and “sends” messages to it, returning immediately control-flow futures containing data-flow futures, i.e., Future[Flow[T]]. The outermost future denotes whether the load balancer has found an idle worker and successfully delegated the job; the innermost (data-flow) future denotes the result of run(job). To make things simple, we will just send jobs to idle workers, map on the (control-flow) futures to get to their inner (data-flow) futures and sum all their results, until we have a final single value.

class Main extends App {
  var list = new ListBuffer[Future[Flow[Int]]]()
  val proxy = new LoadBalancer()
  val listOfFlows = for (i <- 0 until 1000) {
    list += proxy.run(new Computation())
  val flowList = list.map(Await.result(_, 1000.millis))
  val actual = flowList.foldLeft(0)(_ + _.getS)
  println(s"Running the sum of the asynchronous jobs: ${actual}  (check result = ${42 * 1000})\n\n")

The message (class Computation) is a ``costly’’ computation:

// Costly computation
class Computation {
  def start(): Int = 42

The load balancer passes the work to a worker thread and returns the handle to this work, a control-flow future (highlighted in light blue7).

class LoadBalancer() {
  val workers = List(new Worker(), new Worker(), new Worker(), new Worker())
  val turn = new AtomicInteger(0)

  def run(job: Computation): Future[Flow[Int]] = {
    val currentTurn = turn.get()
    turn.weakCompareAndSet(currentTurn, (currentTurn + 1) % workers.size)

class Worker(){
  def run(job: Computation): Flow[Int] = asyncS { job.start() }

With the use of data-flow futures, we tackle the The Type Proliferation Problem, as the data-flow futures hide their internal communication structure, and The Fulfilment Observation Problem, as it allows to observe the current stage of futures computations, when necessary (Section 4.4, Integrating Data-Flow and Control-Flow Futures and Delegation)

If we were to use control-flow futures, instead of data-flow futures, the communication with the load balancer creates a future, which contains a nested future, the one that the load balancer produces when it communicates with the worker thread; the return type would be Future[Future[Int]]. Any further asynchronous call would be reflected in the types.

asyncS{ proxy.run(new Computation) } :: Future[Future[Int]]

To test this program, follow the instructions from the Section Test existing programs. (This program reproduces these instructions when it is executed, so that the reader does not need to go back and forth between the documentation and the terminal.)

Click here to see the raw code.


Data-flow futures defined the common map and flatMap operations. This allows developers to use the common for-comprehension notation. One simple example, taken from godot/examples/Miscellaneous.scala:

val flow = for {
    flowInt <- asyncS { 42 }
    flowString <- flowInt.map(_.toString())
} yield flowString

Use this example as inspiration for writing your own programs.

Start the REPL to write your own programs

There are two ways to play with the library:

  1. Test existing programs
  2. Write your own program

Test existing programs

From the godot project folder, fire up the REPL:

sbt console

inside the godot folder. Start typing:

:load examples

and press the TAB button two times, so that it autocompletes the full-path to the examples library, which in my case is:


Then choose a file to load. In this case, lets play with the ProxyService.scala:

:load /home/vagrant/Desktop/Godot-Artifact/godot/examples/ProxyService.scala

This will print something similar to:

Loading /home/vagrant/Desktop/Godot-Artifact/godot/examples/ProxyService.scala...
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
import godot.imperative._
import godot.imperative.Flow._
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import scala.concurrent.Promise
defined class Computation
defined trait Runnable
defined class Worker
defined class LoadBalancer
defined class Main

Run the example by typing:


Write your own program

From the godot project folder, fire up the REPL:

sbt console

Now you need to import the libraries dependencies

// Load data-flow library
import godot.imperative._
import godot.imperative.Flowing._

// Load Execution Context and Future library
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import scala.concurrent._

From this point on, you can write your own programs, e.g.:

// Fire up an asynchronous computation
val f = asyncS(34)

4. Restrictions

This implementation mimicks the semantics of the paper, even when this may not be the most efficient implementation. There are two things that this implementation cannot handle:

  1. Implicit delegation

    As mentioned in the paper Section 5.1, implicit delegation is not easy to add without introducing new abstractions – which adds overhead – or changing the compiler (mentioned in last paragraph of Section 5.2. Notes on Implementing Godot)


    The asyncS construct creates a promise that could be passed to the inner asyncS, so that we avoid the creation of two promises.

  2. Type collapsing rule8

    By construction, the library will not create a Flow[Flow[T]]. However, the implicit lifting can be tricked by a developer to nest data-flow futures, e.g.:

    This function returns a nested data-flow, but its runtime representation cannot capture this fact – it is non-sensical for data-flow futures to have nested data-flow futures. To completely rule out this situation, one would need to modify the compiler to forbid this (Section 5.2. Notes on Implementing Godot).

  1. Command taken from official documentation website: https://www.scala-sbt.org/1.0/docs/Installing-sbt-on-Linux.html

  2. Every time that you see the use of sbt <command>, where <command> is another instruction, it means that you need to exit sbt and type that from the terminal, not from inside the sbt program.

  3. This affects parametric polymorphism, where the current implementation cannot deal with data-flow futures as type variables, explained in the paper Section 8.2. Notes on Implementing Godot

  4. The Scala notation for functions is not the same as used in the paper. For more information on how to write higher-order functions in Scala, please visit this link.

  5. The return keyword needs to be used with care, as describe in a blog post from Rob Norris [here], Community Representative from the Scala Center Advisory Board

  6. This implementation partly solves The Future Proliferation Problem, as it solves falsely fulfilling a future but does not introduce the forward nor runs in constant space. As mentioned before, this requires the use of an advanced macro system or updating the Scala compiler, which is outside of the scope of the artifact.

  7. Not shown in the pdf version

  8. In the paper, this is stated as follows:

    In the other direction, it is slightly more involved as the type system of the control-flow future language must implement a form of type collapse rule.